Dress Code

1. Tops must have shoulder straps

2. Clothing cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately 3-4 inches in length to the upper thighs.

3. See-through or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meet the minimum requirements of the dress code.

4. Articles of clothing with designs displaying or advertising drugs, alcoholic beverages/insignias, sexuality, or disturbing images are not permitted to be worn at school.

5. No fluorescent hair spray. No face adornments or face paint.

6. No flip-flops or sandals without heal straps should be worn at school due to safety requirements.

7. All shoelaces should be tied.

8. Shoes with built in wheels are not permitted.

9. Students should be dressed appropriately for cold and rainy weather.

Blackwell’s Dress Code applies to all school events. As with any policy, it is hard to detail all aspects. Please remember, the Blackwell staff may sometimes have to use their discretion regarding student dress.